Rabu, 21 September 2011

Formulir pendaftaran keanggotaan pengkot PBSI Jakut

Nama perkumpulan/PB           : SAXON PRIMA
Alamat sekretariat                   : Jl. Bugis Raya no. 87 A
                                                Tanjung Priok
No. telp/fax                             : 081317128505 , 082123523897
Tempat latihan                         : GOR Aulia
Jadwal latihan                          :Hari  :                                           Jam :
                                                  Selasa                                            16.00 - 20.00
                                                  Rabu                                              08.00 - 10.00
                                                  Sabtu                                             16.00 - 20.00
                                                  Minggu                                          14.00 - 18.00
Ketua                                     : Donald Mowoka
Ketua I                                   : Muhammad Romlan
Sekretaris                               : Dwi Retnoningsih, SE
Bendahara                              : Sugiyarti
Sie. Umum                             : Nenden Rahmadiah
Pelatih                                    : Sri Ayu
Jumlah Pemain Putra               : 9 orang
                                                 * Joshua (usia dini)
                                                 * Rey (anak-anak)
                                                 * Joy (anak-anak)
                                                 * Ganang (usia dini)
                                                 * Arifin (remaja)
                                                 * Iqbal (remaja)
                                                 * Dera (anak-anak)
                                                 * Ryandi (remaja)
Jumlah Pemain Putri                : 6 orang
                                                 * Chaterine P (anak-anak)
                                                 * Deby (anak-anak)
                                                 * Tasya (remaja)
                                                 * Gaby Natalia (anak-anak)
                                                 * Nissa Nurhasanah (remaja)
                                                 * Alida Carlin (remaja)

                        Ketua PB                                                           Sekretaris

                ( Donald Mowoka)                                           (Dwi Retnoningsih,SE.)

Selasa, 08 Februari 2011

Profil Member SHINee

Yang pertama, uri leader sekaligus anggota SHINee yang paling gede (umurnya)…
Onew Oppa!!
Onew Oppa!!
Yup, niy anggota yang paling ramah kalo aku bilang. Soalnya dia yang paling doyan senyum. Waktu di panggung atopun waktu interview biasa.
Nama asli: Lee Jinki
Nickname: Leader Onew
Tanggal lahir: 14 Desember 1989
Posisi: Sub vocal sama Leader
Height: 177 cm
Blood type: O
Hobby/interest: Music, piano
Bahasa yang dikuasai: Korea, Inggris, Mandarin
Dia ni termasuk leader yang bertanggung jawab. Coz dia ini mau nungguin si maknae Taemin mpe selesai prepare sebelum pentas. Mau masakin makanan kesukaan Taemin (daging) waktu hari masih pagi. Dia juga rela nganterin member-membernya ke sekolah. Onew oppa juga kayaknya orang yang mau jujur buat bilang sesuatu yang nggak dia suka. Pernah dapet juara 2 sesekolahan! Whoo… Suit, suit! Udah baik, pinter pula! Pokoknya cocok banget lah jadi leader. Tapi, Onew oppa ini justru terkenal sebagai anak SHINee yang paling sering bikin kesalahan. Selain itu, dia juga suka ngelucu. Tapi kalo humornya dianggap garing, member yang lain (terutama Jonghyun Oppa ama Key Oppa) dah siap sama nyanyian mereka: “Mwolhaedo Onew Sangtae…” (bisa diartiin: apapun yang dia perbuat, inilah Onew Condition…) Kasihan banget kamu Oppa… Tapi justru Onew Condition ini yang jadi trademarknya Onew Oppa.
Kedua, member yang suaranya paling aku suka dan kalo aku bilang, suaranya bener-bener bagus!
Jonghyun Oppa!
Jonghyun Oppa!
Menurut info yang aku dapet, dulu dia pernah bikin band di sekolahnya sebelum akhirnya gabung ke SHINee. Dia juga bisa maen gitar, bass, sama piano.
Nama asli: Kim Jonghyun
Nickname: Bling-bling Jonghyun
Tanggal lahir: 8 April 1990
Posisi: Lead Vocal
Height: 173 cm (paling pendek nih…)
Blood type: AB
Hobby/interest: nonton film, popping dance, buat/nggubah lirik, piano
Bahasa yang dikuasai: Korea, Inggris, Mandarin
Family: Orang tua, 1 kakak cowok, 1 kakak cewek
Yup, menurutku dia emang pantes banget jadi lead vocal. Secara, suaranya keren banget!! Tapi di samping itu, Jonghyun Oppa ini orangnya talkactive banget. Walopun sebenernya waktu di panggung dia keliatan keren banget. Dia juga member yang kadang kalo wawancara suka ngebongkar kebiasaannya member-memeber yang laen. (wahwahwah). Tapi, dia ini member yang paling gampang nangis! Dia bahkan njulukin dirinya sendiri “Crying King-nya SHINee”. Dan emang kebukti sih… Kabarnya, kalo dia nggak bisa latihan dengan baik, dia bakal lari ke kamar mandi dan nangis (omonaa…), tapi habis itu dia bakal latihan lagi dengan sangat berambisi! (ambisius juga ni oppa). Dan, kayaknya dia ni paling deket sama Key Oppa. Dia punya lumayan banyak kesamaan sama Key oppa, misal: fashion style, lumayan kompak dalam hal hobi, dan mereka ini sifat sama sikapnya kadang juga kompakan.
Ketiga, member yang paling fashion holic!
Key Oppa!
Key Oppa!
Yup, saking tertariknya sama dunia fashion, dia mpe deket dan sering ngobrol sama desainernya SHINee: Ha Sang Baek.
Nama asli: Kim Kibum
Nickname: The Almighty Key
Tanggal lahir: 23 September 1991
Posisi: Lead Rapper
Height: 177 cm
Blood type: B
Hoby/interest: Ski air, rap, dance
Bahasa yang dikuasai: Korea, Inggris, Mandarin
Oppa yang satu ini pernah nongol di filmnya Super Junior “Attack of the Pin Up Boys” tahun 2007. Key oppa ini bisa dibilang paling sensitive. Tapi dia punya sense of humor yang gede dan paling jago masak. Mpe dia disebut SHINee’s Umma. Semua keperluannya member, bahkan kalo ada yang kelupaan, pasti dia dah selalu siap sediain. Kaya satu cerita ini: Jonghyun oppa pernah cerita, satu hari, karena dia buru-buru, dia jadi lupa bawa baju training buat latihan. Di jalan dia bingung dan nyariin tu baju. Trus dia bilang,”Aku lupa bawa baju training…”. Dan tau-tau aja, Key oppa ngubek-ubek tasnya dan ngeluarin sesuatu, sambil bilang,”Ada di sini.”. Ternyata bajunya dah disiapin sama Key oppa duluan! Wah… Salut, salut! Dia juga orangnya jujur banget. Suka nonton film horor. Dia juga katanya nih… punya kebiasaan megang-megang hidung. Dia juga punya satu kemampuan yang patut diakui. Yaitu kemampuan observasinya! Jadi kalo ada yang nge-dance di depan dia, dia bisa langsung niruin dan hafal! Dia juga terutama suka ngikutin gaya-gaya dance-nya para girlband. Dia juga suka bawa cermin ke mana-mana. Alasannya sih, karena dia harus memperhatikan penampilannya kapanpun! :D
Keempat, Minho oppa !!!

Minho Oppa!
Minho Oppa!
Nama asli: Choi Minho
Nicname: Charismatic Flame Minho
Tanggal lahir: 9 Desember 1991
Posisi: Sub vocal sama rapper
Height: 181 cm
Blood type: B
Hobby/interest: sepak bola, basket, perform (denger-denger, nggak ada yang bikin dia lebih seneng kecuali nyanyi dan nari di atas panggung. Dan kayaknya emang bener deh…)
Bahasa yang dikuasai: Korea, Inggris, Mandarin
Family: Orang tua dan 1 kakak cowok
Dia ini suka dibilang member yang paling Manly! Dia member yang paling genter diantara yang lainnya.  Selain suka sama basket, dia juga pinter maen sepakbola. Secara, ayahnya pelatih sepak bola dan dia sama kakaknya udah diajarin maen sejak kecil. Tapi untung akhirnya dia jadi membernya SHINee. Minho oppa ini suka banget maen Winning Eleven (game sepak bola gitu). Dia sering minta member laen buat tanding sama dia. Biasanya sih, Onew oppa yang mau maen, tapi cuma sekali trus balik lagi ke kamar. Tapi, dia juga ngajarin Taemin oppa buat maen, dan tiap kali diminta maen lagi, Taemin oppa pasti selalu mau. Dan… Minho oppa ini punya rasa kompetitif yang gede banget! Makanya Jonghyun oppa sama Key oppa pilih nggak ikutan maen lawan dia, mungkin karena selain nggak suka sama game begituan, salah satunya juga karena rasa kompetitifnya oppaku ini yang kegedean. Dan karena rasa kompetitif yang menurun dari bapaknya ini, dia pernah jadi nggak bisa tidur gara-gara kalah tanding maen bola sebelumnya. Ckckck… Selain itu, dia juga punya hobi baca. Paling suka baca buku tentang sport dan buku biografi. Katanya sih, itu bisa bikin dia belajar gimana cara untuk nyelesein masalahnya, sekaligus tau pemikiran para tokoh waktu seusia dia. (Ampun deh, rajin banget!). Selain itu, dia juga suka baca komik Slam Dunk! dan paling ngefans sama Hisashi Mitsui. Dia ini member yang paling suka diem. Nggak kayak hyung-hyungnya yang laen. Tapi pikirannya justru udah dewasa… Minho oppa juga kadang suka susah dibangunin kalo kecapean perform sebelumnya. Dan denger-denger, dia ini justru member yang paling banyak makannya. Satu lagi, Minho oppa ini punya kebiasaan. Yaitu MELET! Hohoho…

Kelima dan terakhir, member yang paling imut dan si makane…

Taemin Oppa!
Taemin Oppa!
Member yang paling muda niy…
Nama asli: Lee Taemin
Nickname: Handy Boy Taemin
Tanggal lahir: 18 Juli 1993
Posisi: Sub vocal
Hometown: Dongbong-gu, Seoul
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Blood type: B
Hobby/interest: Dengerin musik, popping dance, piano
Bahasa yang dikuasai: Korea, Inggris, Mandarin
Family: Orang tua dan 1 kakak cowok (Lee Taesun)
Education: Graduated middle school
Dia dibilang member yang paling suka n paling jago ngedance. Iya siy… aku suka banget sama dancenya waktu di MV Noona You’re So Pretty (waktu noonanya kaget karena di tengah kegelapan da member-member SHINee yang ngedance, n Taemin Oppa ngedance di tengah-tengah. keren banget pop dancenya. Taemin oppa ini ngefans banget sama Michael Jackson. Dia bilang dia sedih banget waktu idolanya itu meninggal. Dia juga suka sama Harry Potter dan ngefans sama Emma Watson. Dia ini pengen bisa keliling dunia. Dia ini member yang paling suka dijailin waktu tidur. Onew Oppa sering nakutin dia, dan hyungnya yang laen, suka ngegelindingin dia waktu dia lagi tidur! (kira-kira Minho Oppa ikut ngegelindingin juga nggak y?? Penasaran…) Dia juga member paling polos. Terbukti dari jawaban wawancaranya yang bener-bener keliatan polos. Dan lagi, Taemin Oppa niy paling takut sama serangga! Ampe-ampe nggak bisa nepok nyamuk… Wahwahwah…

Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

Super Junior’s Eunhyuk looking good with a new haircut

Super Junior’s Eunhyuk revealed a picture of his new haircut to his fans on Twitter.

On January 26th, Eunhyuk updated his Twitter with this photo and wrote, “Now that I cut my hair, I sweat less. I should’ve done this a long time ago!”

The picture of him shows a brand new Eunhyuk with his hair moussed skyward, and it looks like he’s feeling pretty confident about his new do.

He wrote, “I don’t get to have my hair flip around when I dance, which looks cool, but this isn’t bad!

Netizens wrote, “He looks so much better looking now that he’s showing his forehead,” “I never knew he was so good looking,” and “He looks like Jang Woo Hyuk of H.O.T”.

Do you guys like it?

Source: Star News via Nate

Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

Super Junior - Sorry Sorry

Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry
nega nega nega munjuh
negeh negeh negeh bbajuh
bbajuh bbajuh bulyuh baby
Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty
nooni booshyuh booshyuh booshyuh
soomi makhyuh makhyuh makhyuh
negah michyuh michyuh baby
bara boneun noonbit sokeh
noonbit sokeh naneun machi
naneun machi mwo eh hollin nom
ijen bussuhnajido mot heh
guluh oneun nuh eh moseub
nuh eh moseub nuh neun machi
neh shimjangeul balbgo watnabwa
ijen bussuhnajido mot heh
uhdil gana dangdang hageh
ootneun nuhneun mehlyukjuk
chakhan yujah ilsek ilan
senggak deuleun bopyunjuk
dodo hageh guhchim ubtgeh
jungmal nuhneun hwansang juk
dolikil soo ubseul mankeum
negeh bbajyuh bulyussuh
Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry
nega nega nega munjuh
negeh negeh negeh bbajuh
bbajuh bbajuh bulyuh baby
Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty
nooni booshyuh booshyuh booshyuh
soomi makhyuh makhyuh makhyuh
negah michyuh michyuh baby
ddan ddan ddan dda da dda ddalanddan
ddan ddan ddan dda da dda
nehgeh banhehbuhlyussuh baby
ddan ddan ddan dda da dda ddalanddan
ddan ddan ddan dda da ddala bbabbala
Hey girl gir gir gir gir gir girl i
noonman ddeumyun ni sengak Hey girl
janiggehna sashil nuh hana bakkeh anboyuh
malhehbwa ni mameh negah
malhehbwa jali jabatneunji
malhehjwo nehgeh malhehjwo
naneun babo babo babo
joobyun saramdeuleun malheh
negah nuhmoo jukgeukjuk
isesangeh geulun saram
uhdi handool inywago
geugul molla geunyul molla
shigihamyuh haneun mal
negah boolubdamyun geugun
geudehdeuli jineun guh
Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry
nega nega nega munjuh
negeh negeh negeh bbajuh
bbajuh bbajuh bulyuh baby
Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty
nooni booshyuh booshyuh booshyuh
soomi makhyuh makhyuh makhyuh
negah michyuh michyuh baby
ddan ddan ddan dda da dda ddalanddan
ddan ddan ddan dda da dda
nehgeh banhehbuhlyussuh baby
ddan ddan ddan dda da dda ddalanddan
ddan ddan ddan dda da ddala bbabbala
Let’s dance dance dance dance
Let’s dance dance dance dance
Let’s dance dance dance dance
dance dance
hey ijeh geuman negeh wajoolleh
jungmal michil gutman gatta yeah
nan nuhman saranghago shippuh
juldeh dashi hannoon pal senggak ubssuh hey
eh inilagi boda chingoo gateun
nehga dwego shippuh
nuh eh modeun gomin seulpuem
hamggeh ganjik hagopa
dashi ubseul mankeum mankeum
nuh leul nuhmoo sarang heh
nehga baran saram nigah baro geu
that that that girl
Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry
nega nega nega munjuh
negeh negeh negeh bbajuh
bbajuh bbajuh bulyuh baby
Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty
nooni booshyuh booshyuh booshyuh
soomi makhyuh makhyuh makhyuh
negah michyuh michyuh baby
Mau tau bagaimana bisa, boyband yang anggotanya lebih banyak dari tim Football America tampil live di panggung dengan begitu kompaknya ? tanyakanlah pada Super Junior ! cuma mereka yang tahu dan hanya mereka yang bisa memberikan  jawaban yang tepat, rasanya menyanyi dan menari dengan total anggota 13 orang.
SUPER JUNIOR yang  dilafalkan SUPERJUNIOR (tanpa spasi )atau sering kali disebut SJ / SUJU adalah boyband beranggotakan 13 personel yang dilahirkan di Seoul, Korea Selatan. Grup terbesar  binaan SM entertainment ini beranggotakan Leetuk ( ketua ), Heechul, Han Geng, Kang-In, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Ryewook, Kibum dan Kyuhyun.
Hingga tulisan ini ditulis, Super Junior telah merilis 2 abum dan sebuah single CD sejak debut mereka di akhir tahun 2005. Album kedua mereka Don’t don yang dirilis pada tahun 2007 berhasil bertengger di urutan ke 2 Best Selling Album 2007 bedasarkan Asosiasi industri musik Korea.
” The gateway to Stardom of Asia “.
Awal pembentukan Super Junior tidak terlepas dari  tangan dingin Lee Soo Man. Pendiri sekaligus produser SM Entertainment, salah satu agensi dunia hiburan terbesar di korea. Sepak terjangnya sebagai pencari dan pembimbing bakat diakui orang banyak. Dari produser jenius inilah talenta – talenta dunia musik Korea  seperti H.O.T, Shinhwa, S.E.S, BOA, dan TVXQ lahir dan banyak menciptakan hits – hits single dan penjualan album yang luar biasa.
Di awal 2001, Lee Soo Man melebarkan sayapnya menuju negeri tirai bambu, China, untuk mencari bibit talenta baru  sebagai  salah satu langkahnya merambah pasar music  Asia. Di kontes pencarian bakat yang diadakannya di Beijing, Lee Soo Man berhasil menemukan Han Geng / Han Kyung ( nama Korea ) yang berhasil terpilih dari 3000 peserta kontes.  Setelah itu, secara berturut – turut  ia berhasil menemukan  Leetuk / Eetukie, Heechul , Yesung, Eunhyuk, Siwon dan Kibum yang berhasil terpilih dari Audisi SM Entertainment yang diadakan di Seoul. Sedangkan Kang-in, Shindong, Sungmin, Donghae, dan Ryewook berhasil terpilih dari kontes pencarian bakat dan kompetisi menyanyi .
Pada tahun 2005, Lee menyatakan niatnya membentuk boyband baru dengan total personel 12 orang.  Grup yang sementara waktu diberi nama O.V.E.R  ( Obey the Voice for Each Rhythm ) tersebut dijadwalkan  melakukan debut perdananya pada akhir tahun 2005. Pembentukan grup ini tidak terlepas dari ambisi Lee dalam proyeknya yang diberi nama ” The gateway to Stardom of Asia “.
Di awal pembentukannya, Lee bermaksud menjadikan Super Junior sebagai  boyband dengan system “bongkar pasang” personel , seperti layaknya grup girl-band asal Jepang, Morning Musume yang menerapkan system kelulusan untuk setiap anggotanya. Dimana, personel baru akan mengantikan personel lama setiap tahunnya. Karena itulah di awal,  grup ini dinamakan SuperJunior05, generasi pertama dari Super Junior. Namun ke depannya, konsep “bongkar pasang ” ini  dibatalkan setelah lee merekrut personel  baru dan termuda di Mei 2006, Cho Kyuhyun.
Cho Kyuhyun si baby maknae ini mendapat julukan sebagai ” the lucky thirteen ” karena dia-lah personil ke 13 yang bergabung, dan memberi julukan FOREVER 13 buat Super Junior

Data Base :

Official Name: Super Junior (슈퍼주니어)
Unofficial Name : SuJu (슈주) or SJ
Members : Leeteuk (leader), Heechul, Hangeng, Yesung, Kangin, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Ryeowook, Kibum, and Kyuhyun
Catchphrase : 우리는 슈퍼주니어에요! (Oo ri neun Shoo-puh-Ju-ni-uh eh yo! aka We are Super Junior!)
Debut : Super Junior as a 12 member project group called Super Junior 05 performed on their first TV broadcast on November 6, 2005 with their first single “Twins (Knock Out)”; with the addition of Kyuhyun during “U” promotions which they started through the “I-Concert” on May 27, 2006, Super Junior became the permanent 13 member group that we know today.
History : Super Junior on Wikipedia (as with all things on Wikipedia, all information can’t be vouched for)
Management : SM Entertainment
Official Fanclub : EverLasting Friends (E.L.F.), established on June 2, 2006.
Official Balloon Color : Pearl Sapphire Blue
Official Websites :
——— http://superjunior.smtown.com/ (Korea)
——— http://www.avex.com.tw/superjunior (Taiwan)
——— http://superjunior-jp.net (Japan)
——— http://www.super-junior.co.kr (Super Junior 05)
Member Profiles
Leeteuk (이특/李 特) (이특 is actually pronounced Eeteuk)
Real Name : Park Jungsu (박정수/朴 正 秀)
Nickname(s) : Angel without Wings (날개잃은천사), Gaeteuk (개특, named by Heechul), Special Leader (특별한리더), Peter Pan, Ori (오리 aka Duck)
Date of Birth : July 1, 1983
Place of Birth : Seoul Yeonshinnae (서울 연신내 은평구)
Height : 178 cm/5′ 10.1″ in (said on Star King that his real height without shoelifts is 175 cm/5′ 9″:))
Weight : 59 kg/129.8 lb
Blood Type : A
Siblings : older sister Park Inyoung (1982)
Specialty/Hobby : Piano, Composition, Listening to music, Singing
Education: Transferred from Paekche Institute of the Arts (백제예술대학) to Inha University (인하대학교)
Misc. Info. : Leeteuk was wandering around lost in the streets of Seoul when an SM scout saw him and gave him a business card. He auditioned in 2000 and made his first appearance the same year as an extra sitting in an auditorium in MBC’s “All About Eve.” His stage name Eeteuk (이특) means “special.”

Heechul (희철/希 澈)
Real Name : Kim Heechul (김희철/金 希 澈)
Nickname(s) : Heenim (희님), Cinderella (신데렐라), Flower (꽃), Kim Pink (김분홍), Kim Moodswing (김기복), Kim Cherry (from Youngstreet), Snake (from the Zodiac), Heerobbong (part of the Bbong brothers with Donghae and U-Know Yunho), Heebongie Hyung (Yesung’s nickname for Heechul)
Date of Birth : July 10, 1983
Place of Birth : Hoengseong County, Kangwondo (강원도 횡성군); grew up in Wonju, Kangwondo (강원도 원주) where his parents still reside
Height : 179 cm/5′ 10.5″ in (stated in his 100Q/100A from August 26, 2007 that his height is actually 178 cm/5′ 10.1″)
Weight : 60 kg/132 lb
Blood Type : AB
Siblings : older sister Kim Heejin (1982)
Pets : Heebum (Russian Blue cat) since 11/11/06, Champagne (Siamese cat) since 7/26/08; used to have Yamchae (Russian Blue cat) given to him by fans from 7/13/05 to 11/3/05, but he ran away while Heechul was away for a few days filming.
Specialty/Hobby : Writing poems, Writing fairy tales, Computer games
Education: Sangji University (상지대학교); reportedly graduated in 2008.
Official Website : http://www.rellagyo.com
Soompi Thread : http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=23645
Misc. Info. : On a whim, Heechul searched the internet for entertainment companies and it so happened that SM was having open auditions so he went with his friends to Seoul to sightsee/audition. Being unfamiliar with the area, he got lost and missed the open audition hours. They told him that it was too late, but according to him, took one look at his face and changed their minds :) He was allowed to audition and was cast through Starlight Casting System in October 2002. He debuted as an actor on March 6, 2005 through the youth drama KBS’s “Banolim 2″ as Baek Jinwoo.

Hangeng (한경/韩 庚) (lately they’ve been officially going by the Chinese pronunciation of his name, Han Geng, but in Korean it is pronounced Hankyung)
Real Name : Han Geng (한긍/韩 庚)
Nickname(s) : Beijing Fried Rice (북경밥 aka Bukkyungbap; came during “Full House,” from Hangeng mispronouncing and Heechul mishearing 볶음밥 aka Bokkeumbap which just means fried rice in Korean), Dragon (from the Zodiac)
Date of Birth : February 9, 1984
Place of Birth : Mudanjiang in the Hei Long Jiang (黑龙江/흑륭성) Province, located in the northeastern part of China
Height : 181 cm/5′ 11.3″
Weight : 66 kg/145.2 lbs
Blood Type : B (he originally thought he was O then A. It was only in summer 2006 that he found out that his blood type was B.)
Siblings : only child
Pets : used to have Rong Rong (dog) which was given to him by fans for a little while in March-June 2007, but had to give him away because he wasn’t home enough to take care of him; Mao Mao (lives with Hankyung’s parents in China)
Specialty/Hobby : Chinese traditional dance, Ballet, Computer games
Education: Central University for Nationalities (중앙민족대학교)
Soompi Thread : http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=262497
Misc. Info. : Hangeng accompanied a friend who was auditioning at the H.O.T. CHINA Audition in 2001 and was talked into auditioning himself. He was chosen as a handful among 3000 who auditioned. He made his debut as a model in a fashion show F/W General idea by Bum Suk in May 2005.

Yesung (예성/藝 聲)
Real Name : Kim Jongwoon (김종운/金 鐘 雲)
Nickname(s) : Cloud (구룸), Dog (from the Zodiac), Rabid Dog (광견; Heechul’s nickname for Yesung)
Date of Birth : August 24, 1984
Place of Birth : Chunahn in Southern Choongchung Province (충남 천안)(충청남도 천안)
Height : 178 cm/5′ 10.1″
Weight : 64 kg/140.8 lb
Blood Type : AB
Siblings : younger brother Kim Jongjin (1987)
Pets : a turtle named Ttangkkoma (땅꼬마 which means ‘small runt’) since 12/4/08; he mentioned on “Olnbam” that it cost him 200,000 won (~$150).
Specialty/Hobby : Singing, Listening to music, Exercise
Education: Chungwoon University (청운대학교), Broadcast Music major, possibly transferred to Sunmoon University (선문대학교); reportedly graduated in early 2009.
Misc. Info. : Yesung won gold in the 1999 ChunAn Singing Contest. He was encouraged to audition for SM by his mother who secretly submitted his application without telling him. He auditioned for SM in 2001. His stage name Yesung (예성) is an acronym for 술가의 대 which means “Vocal Chords of an Artist.”

Kangin (강인/强 仁)
Real Name : Kim Youngwoon (김영운/金 英 雲)
Nickname(s) : Kang Kings (강깅쓰), Kkang (깡), Neoguri (너구리 aka Racoon, named by Anya from “Full House”), Ox (from the Zodiac), Youngchoon (영춘; Heechul’s nickname for Kangin, Heechul claims that this is Kangin’s real first name)
Date of Birth : January 17, 1985
Place of Birth : Seoul Seodaemoongoo HongEunDong (서울 서대문구 홍은동) (서울 서대문구)
Height : 180 cm/5′ 10.9″
Weight : 70 kg/154 lb
Blood Type : O
Siblings : only child
Pets : Gongju (공주 which means Princess; it’s a female Japanese Spitz, shown on ChinChin 11/7/08; the coordi noona told him that her eyes look just like his so he bought it)
Specialty/Hobby : Acting, Singing, Exercise (kick boxing), Swimming
Education : Paekche Institute of the Arts (백제예술대학) or (상명대 천안캠퍼스) Theater Arts
Soompi Thread : http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=253556
Misc. Info. : Kangin was on a class field trip goofing off with his friends when an SM scout spotted him. He entered the 2002 SM Youth Best Contest (청소년 베스트 선발대회) and won first place for Best Outward Appearance. He made his debut as a panelist on SBS “One Night’s TV Entertainment (한밤의 TV연예)” in 2004. His stage name Kangin (강인) means “strong benevolence.” He is known for his physical strength.

Shindong (신동/申 東 or 神 童)
Real Name : Shin Donghee (신동희/申 東 熙)
Nickname(s) : Dongri Dong Dong (from Ppo Ppo Ppo)
Date of Birth : September 28, 1985
Place of Birth : Moonkyung in Northern KyungGi Province (Kyungbook Moonkyung/경북 문경) (경기도 일산)
Height : 178 cm/5′ 10.1″
Weight : 90 kg/198 lb (he stated on his minihompy that he started his current diet at 103 kg/227 lb. Shindong stated during an interview during the Super Show in Shanghai that at one point, he had lost up to 19 kg, but that he had gained 4 kg back so he’s lost a total of 15 kg – 11/22/08; as of 3/25, Shindong stated that he’s gained back 10kg from his peak weight loss of 20kg so at ~93 kg/205 lbs)
Blood Type : O
Siblings : only child
Specialty/Hobby : Making facial expressions, Making jokes, Dancing
Education : Paekche Institute of the Arts (백제예술대학)
Soompi Thread : http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=197078
Misc. Info. : Prior to joining SM, Shindong won the 2002 and 2003 Goyangshi Youth Dance contest (Grand Prize in 2002 and Gold Prize in 2003) and the 2004 Mnet Epi Contest (Gold Prize and Popularity Award). He entered the 2005 SM Youth Best Contest (청소년 베스트 선발대회) and won first place for Best Comedian and Grand Prize overall. Shindong made his debut the same year as the MC for DBSK’s Sweet Rose Party. He owns a scooter which he calls Kkoolie (꿀이 which is equivalent to “Oinkie” since in Korea “kkool” is the sound pigs make) and often goes riding with Sungmin, with whom he also shares a love of photography. His stage name Shindong (신동), originally comes from his last name and first character of his first name (申 東), but they often take a different meaning to his name, 神 童 which means “prodigy” and is aptly named since Shindong is known for his numerous creative abilities.

Sungmin (성민/成 民)
Real Name : Lee Sungmin (이성민/李 成 民)
Nickname(s) : Sweet Pumpkin (단호박 comes from his line in a one-episode drama called “Sea of sisters”), Minimi (미니미)
Date of Birth : January 1, 1986
Place of Birth : Ilsan in KyungGi Province (경기도 일산) (서울)
Height : 175 cm/5′ 8.9″
Weight : 57 kg/125.4 lb
Blood Type : A
Siblings : younger brother Lee Sungjin
Pets : Ari (Yorkshire Terrier dog, name means “Fighting” in Korean. This isn’t the same dog that he looked after for a month on “Animal Farm.” That Ari was adopted by another family.)
Specialty/Hobby : Chinese martial arts, Acting, Watching movies, Playing instruments
Education : Transferred from Seoul Arts University (서울예대학교); currently a student at Myongji University (명지대학교)
Misc. Info. : Sungmin entered the 2001 SM Youth Best Contest (청소년 베스트 선발대회) and jointly along with Donghae won first place for Best Outward Appearance. He debuted on SBS “Showdown of the Century (세기의 대결),” a show that showcased various SM trainees, hosted by Kangta and Moon Heejun of H.O.T. in 2002. He owns a scooter which he calls Byul (별 which means Star) and often goes riding with Shindong, with whom he also shares a love of photography.

Eunhyuk (은혁/銀 赫)
Real Name : Lee Hyukjae (이혁재/李 赫 宰)
Nickname(s) : Jewel Guy (보석미남), Monkey (from the Zodiac)
Date of Birth : April 4, 1986
Place of Birth : Goyangshi NeungGok (고양시 능곡) (경기도 일산)
Height : 176 cm/5′ 9.3″ (mentioned on Yashimmanman that his real height was +/- 2 cm so 174 cm/5′ 8.5″ :) )
Weight : 58 kg/127.6 lb
Blood Type : O
Siblings : older sister Lee Sora (1984)
Pets : Choco (lives with his parents)
Specialty/Hobby : Dancing (all genres), Exercising, Listening to music
Education : Currently a student at Pai Chai University (배재대학교)
Misc. Info. : Eunhyuk entered SM in 2000. His best friend since elementary school is DBSK’s Xiah Junsu. They went to the same school and due to their mutual love of dancing, they became dance partners and best friends. He, like Sungmin, debuted on SBS “Showdown of the Century (세기의 대결),” a show that showcased various SM trainees, hosted by Kangta and Moon Heejun of H.O.T. in 2002. His stage name was created because there is a well-known Korean comedian who has the same name. He decided to add an Eun which means “silver” thus the precious jewel of his nickname to the first part of his name deriving Eunhyuk.

Donghae (동해/東 海)
Real Name : Lee Donghae (이동해/李 東 海)
Nickname(s) : Fishy (물고기, it’s actually just “fish” but because of how Koreans pronounce it, it became “Fishy” to international fans), Donghae Bada (동해바다, East Sea), Pinocchio (named by Heechul), Dorobbong (part of the Bbong brothers with Heechul and U-Know Yunho), Tiger (from the Zodiac)
Date of Birth : October 15, 1986
Place of Birth : Mokpo in Southern Jeolla Province (Jeollanamdo Mokpo/전라남도 목포)(전라남도 목포)
Height : 175 cm/5′ 8.9″
Weight : 60 kg/132 lb (Donghae mentioned on Itta Upta 4/4/09 that he weighed 59kg)
Blood Type : A
Siblings : older brother Donghwa
Pets : Bada (Bichon Maltese dog, name comes from Donghae’s name East Sea, thus Bada meaning “Sea”), Meo (Bichon Maltese dog, name is short for “Romeo”)
Specialty/Hobby : Dancing, Exercise, Singing, Watching movies
Education : Currently a student at Myongji University (명지대학교)
Misc. Info. : Donghae was encouraged to become a singer by his late father (who passed away on August 8, 2006 due to melonoma), who had wanted to pursue singing as a youth, but was never able to. He was a member of the Starlight Academy and jointly with Sungmin won first place in 2001 SM Youth Best Contest (청소년 베스트 선발대회) for Best Outward Appearance. His real name Donghae means “East Sea” and thus a lot of his nicknames derive from this.

Siwon (시원/始 源) (시원 which is actually pronounced Shiwon)
Real Name : Choi Siwon (최시원/崔 始 源)
Nickname(s) : Simba (named by Heechul), Horse (from the Zodiac)
Date of Birth : February 10, 1987 (Apparently, Shiwon’s real birthday is April 7, 1986… Eeteuk said Shiwon’s birthday was coming up soon on his minihompy on 4/5/09. The story is that his parents didn’t registered his birth until February of the following year for whatever reason so in official documents his birthday is listed as February 10. However, despite the fact that his actual birthday is April 7, February 10 is the birthday he officially celebrates with Super Junior fans so…)
Place of Birth : Seoul Gangnam (south of Han River near Apgujung) (서울 강남)
Height : 183 cm/6′
Weight : 65 kg/143 lb
Blood Type : B
Siblings : younger sister Choi Jiwon
Specialty/Hobby : Singing, Dancing, Acting, Taekwondo, Chinese (language), Playing drums
Official Website : http://www.onlysiwon.com
Soompi Thread : http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3392
Education: Currently a student at Inha University (인하대학교), Physical Education major
Misc. Info. : Siwon was spotted by an SM scout during his junior high graduation. Against the objections of his father and much struggle, he joined SM in 2003 and made his debut in Dana’s MV “What is Love” in October 2003.

Ryeowook (려욱/麗 旭)
Real Name : Kim Ryeowook (김려욱/金 麗 旭)
Nickname(s) : Eternal Mangnae (만년막내 literally means “for 10,000 years, the youngest”)
Date of Birth : June 21, 1987
Place of Birth : Inchon Bupyung Sanggokdong (인천 부평 상곡동)
Height : 173 cm/5′ 8.1″
Weight : 58 kg/127.6 lb
Blood Type : O
Siblings : only child
Specialty/Hobby : Singing, Composition
Education: Currently a student at Inha University (인하대학교), Theater Arts major
Misc. Info. : Ryeowook won first place in a singing contest on MBC FM radio’s ‘별이 빛나는 밤에 (Starry Night)’ which lead him to enter the 2004 CMB ChinChin Star Festival (CMB 친친 청소년가요제) where he won Silver Award. He was a devout fan of the female pop group S.E.S. and was a member of their official fanclub.

Kibum (기범/基 范)
Real Name : Kim Kibum (김기범/金 基 范)
Nickname(s) : Snow White (named by Heechul), Yangban Kim (named by Heechul)
Date of Birth : August 21, 1987
Place of Birth : Seoul (서울)
Height : 179 cm/5′ 10.5″ (stated on Yashimmanman that his real height was 177 cm/5′ 9.7″)
Weight : 58 kg/127.6 lb
Blood Type : A
Siblings : younger sister Kim Saehee
Official Website : http://www.actorkibum.smtown.com
Soompi Thread : http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=24763
Education: Unknown
Misc. Info. : Kibum was spotted walking around during a Korean Festival in LA by a SM scout and joined SM in 2002. He made his first appearance in the KBS2 drama “April Kiss” in 2004 as the younger version of the main character.

Kyuhyun (규현/奎 賢)
Real Name : Cho Kyuhyun (조규현/趙 奎 賢)
Nickname(s) : Kim Kyu (김규, named by Heechul), Game Kyu (겜규) , Jumong Kyu (주몽규) , Chic Kyu (시크규)
Date of Birth : February 3, 1988
Place of Birth : Seoul Nohwon (서울 노원) (서울)
Height : 180 cm/5′ 10.9″
Weight : 68 kg/149.6 lb
Blood Type : A
Siblings : older sister Cho Ara (1985)
Specialty/Hobby : Singing, Listening to music, Watching movies
Education: Currently a student at Kyunghee University (경희대학교), Post Modern Music major
Misc. Info. : Kyuhyun won Bronze Award at the 2005 CMB ChinChin Star Festival (CMB 친친 청소년가요제).

Rabu, 12 Januari 2011

Super Junior - What If Lyrics

Ssahyeoganeun shigandeureun
Amado yokshimeul bureuna bwayo
Eojeboda oneul deo
Apajingeol bomyeon... Oh girl

Nareul hyanghan misoedo
Manyang haengbokhal su eobseojin geon
Teukbyeorhami eobdaneun geol
Ara beorin hubuteoyeojjyo baby

What if geudaega nal
Saranghal geotman gata
Jogeum gidarimyeon
Naege ol geotman gataseo
Ireon gidaero naneun
Geudael ddeonal su eobjyo
Geureohke shigani
Ssahyeo apeumi dweneun geol
Jal algo isseumyeonseo... Oh girl

Naegeman juneun georago
Midgo shipeojineun misoyeojjiman
Anin geogejjyo geuraedo hokshina

What if naega geudael
Meonjeo mannasseoddamyeon
Ani charari na
Geudaereul mollasseoddamyeon...
Ireon saenggakdo naegen
Amu soyongi eobjyo
Gipsukhage bakhin
Geudaeraneun shigan soge
Imi salgo isseuni...

Shiganui moogemankeum
Sarangeun deohaegago
Apeumi mugeoweodo
Geuraedo eonjengan nal
Saranghal geotman gata
Jogeum gidarimyeon
Naege ol geotman gataseo

Ireon gidaero naneun
Geudael ddeonal su eobjyo
Geureohke shigani
Ssahyeo oneureul mandeun geol
Jal algo issemyeonseo... Oh girl
Oh~ lady..


Kyuhyun - Hope is a Dream That Doesn’t Sleep

Na oerowododoe neol saenggakhalddaen
misoga naui eolgule beonjyeo
na himdeuleododoe niga haengbokhalddaen
sarangi nae mam gadeukhi chaewo

Oneuldo nan geochin sesangsoke saljiman
himdeuleodo nungameumyeon ni moseubbun
ajikgo gwitgae deulryeooneun kkumdeuli
naui gyeoteseo neol hyanghae gago itjana

Nae salmi haruharu kkumeul kkuneun geotcheoreom
neowa hamgge majubomyeo saranghalsu itdamyeon
dasi ileoseol geoya

Naege sojunghaetdeon gieoksokui haengbokdeul
himdeun sigan sokeseodo deouk ddaseuhaetdeon
huimangeun naegen jamdeulji aneun kkum

Neul naui gyeoteseo geurimjacheoreom
joyonghi neoneun naegero waseo
na apahaneunji maeil oerounji
geuriumeuro neoneun naege danyeoga

Sesangi nal ulge haedo naneun gwaenchana
hangsang niga naui gyeote isseunigga
meonjicheoreom chueoki byeonhaeseo ddeonalgga
geujeo useumyeo maeumeul dalraeeo bwado

Nae salmi haruharu kkumeul kkuneun geotcheoreom
neowa hamgge majubomyeo saranghalsu itdamyeon
dasi ileoseol geoya

Naege sojunghaetdeon gieoksokui haengbokdeul
himdeun sigan sokeseodo deouk ddaseuhaetdeon
huimangeun naegen jamdeulji aneun kkum

Sueobsi neomeojyeo biteuldaedo
naneun ireohgeseo itjana
nae mam hanabbuninde
himdeul ddaemyeon niga ireohge himi dwaejulrae
neoreul hyanghae yeongwonhi

Ireohge sangcheo soke seulpeumdeuleul samkinchae
miso jitneun nae moseubeul neoege boyeo julge
ijeneun apeuji ana

Eonjena neowa hamgge irugopeun kkum ango
galsu eobdeon jeopyeoneseo neoreul bulreobolgge
nae maeum dahae saranghaneun neoreul..

Enjoy It.. ^^